What is complicated is the world around us.
In a world saturated with toxic foods and an overall toxic lifestyle, we must rediscover how to listen to our intuition and take our perceptions seriously. To achieve this, we need to embark on a journey of shedding the layers of social conditioning and deconstructing societal messaging. This process helps us understand how we can practically and emotionally navigate our way in this complex world.
Some of the fundamental steps in achieving primal health include cleansing our kitchens of toxic foods, engaging in enjoyable physical activities, allowing ourselves to deeply relax more frequently, and practicing honesty to foster profound interpersonal connections.
While this process may appear daunting initially, as we evolve and grow through the simplification and relearning of perception, it feels as though our bodies, often after a prolonged period, regain the ability to breathe freely once again. With these newly emerging capacities, we become capable of radiating positive energy to those around us. When we are healthy, we naturally contribute to creating a healthy and just world.
* In this context, healtis primarily through optimal gene expression, one’s own body perception, and metabolic flexibility.